
To narrate situations happening at the moment of speech.

1-      To develop some grammar exercises online to practice question, positive and negative sentences using present progressive or continuous.

2-      To describe 20 things my neighbours are doing during quarantine.

a-      Go to your Edmodo account.
b-      Do exercises in the website.
c-      Do exercise mixed exercise 3 in your notebook. Take a picture of the 20 sentences written in your notebook.
d-      Download the image enclosed and escribe in your notebook the 20 different things your neighbours are doing during quarantine at their homes.
Your goals are:
ü  Show understanding of the topics in the activities proposed.
ü  Send two photographs: 1- the written exercises from perfect English grammar 2- the descriptions of what your neighbours are doing during quarantine.  

Carpe, CArpe, carpe diem! Seize the day, boys! Make your lives extraordinary!!!” 

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